
Retinal Imaging Testing

When it comes to maintaining your eye health, regular check-ups and screenings play a crucial role. One such screening method that has revolutionized the field of optometry is retinal imaging testing. This non-invasive procedure allows optometrists to capture detailed images of the retina, providing valuable insights into the overall health of your eyes.


The Importance of Retinal Imaging Testing


By examining the retina, which is the thin layer of tissue at the back of your eye responsible for capturing light and transmitting visual signals to the brain, optometrists can gain valuable insights into your eye health. Retinal imaging testing allows for the early detection of various eye conditions even before noticeable symptoms occur. This early detection is crucial as it enables prompt treatment and intervention, potentially preventing irreversible vision loss.

Advanced Retinal Imaging Technology


Retinal imaging testing has been made possible by the advancements in technology, specifically Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Optos imaging. OCT is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses light waves to capture high-resolution cross-sectional images of the retina. It provides detailed information about the layers of the retina, helping eye doctors identify and monitor various eye conditions.

Optos imaging utilizes ultra-widefield retinal technology to capture a panoramic image of the retina. This technology allows for a more comprehensive view of the retina, including the periphery. Dilating drops are not necessary with Optos, making the process more convenient for patients.

Visual Field

Visual field testing is an important part of most standard comprehensive eye exams. Also sometimes known as perimetry testing, Visual field testing is a method to measure the entire scope of vision of an individual, including their peripheral/side vision.

The importance of visual field testing

Visual field testing is one of the most effective diagnostic treatments in the detection of glaucoma. This is because when patients are affected by glaucoma, it is usually the peripheral vision that is affected by their condition first. However, it can also be used to detect central or peripheral retinal diseases, eyelid conditions such as drooping, optic nerve damage and conditions that affect the visual pathways from the optic nerve to the area of the brain where this information is processed into vision.

Visual field testing is also an important part of monitoring for people who are considered to be at risk for vision loss from disease and other problems, including those who have been diagnosed with the following:

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Pituitary gland disorders

  • Central nervous system problems (such as a tumor that may be pressing on the brain)

  • Stroke

  • Diabetes

  • High blood pressure

What to expect from visual field testing

There are a variety of methods that can be used to perform visual field testing, including:

Static automated perimetry. This is where a machine is used to quantify how well the patient is able to detect flashing lights of varying size and brightness in different areas of their visual field, while they concentrate on a central point. The patient responds by pushing a button when they see the light.

Kinetic perimetry. This involves points of light that are fixed in size and intensity and are presented along the patient’s peripheral vision, before being gradually moved inwards to determine their field of vision. 

Visual field testing is non-invasive, painless and doesn’t require patients to have their eyes dilated. The results, which are usually presented in a series of charts, are digital and sent directly to your eye doctor for interpretation. Depending on the outcome of your results, you may be recommended for further diagnostic testing which could include blood tests. If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, you will probably be recommended to have several visual field tests each year, which will help your eye doctor to monitor the progression of your condition and recommend treatments to slow it.

If you would like more information about visual field testing, or if you have concerns about your peripheral vision, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our experienced and knowledgeable eyecare team today.

Lumenis Optilight IPL

Millions of people suffer from eye and vision-related problems. For some, the solution is as simple as wearing prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, others face challenges that aren’t as easy to rectify. That’s where Lumenis comes into play.

As a world leader in minimally invasive clinical solutions for both ophthalmology and aesthetic markets, it’s making a significant difference. Not only does Lumenis develop advanced energy-based technologies, but it also commercializes them.

The company continues to find innovative solutions. However, it’s already provided the fields of ophthalmology and aesthetic with remarkable technologies. OptiLight is just one example.


Eye and Vision-Related Solution


The company invented the first and only technology to treat individuals for dry eye disease caused by MGD. Not only is it approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but also patented. Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT) makes it easier to successfully manage this particular eye disease. Overall, OptiLight is safe, precise, comfortable, and effective.


Managing Symptoms


According to recent statistics, roughly 22% of the U.S. population suffers from dry eye disease along with MGD. That combination leads to an array of uncomfortable symptoms.

Dry eye occurs when a person’s eyes don’t produce adequate tears to keep them lubricated or when tears don’t work the way they should. MGD is a condition that affects the small glands in the eyelid responsible for making the oil layer for tears.

Having to deal with one of these problems is bad enough. However, living with both can prove debilitating for some people. Thanks to OptiLight, people with the two conditions get much-needed relief. Here are the ways this advanced technology helps:

  • Reduces inflammatory mediators, which, thereby, prevents inflammation

  • Improves tear breakup time that, in response, decreases osmolarity

  • Alleviates abnormal blood vessels that commonly cause inflammation

  • Restores meibomian glands so they function properly

  • Decreases demodex mites that cause infection and the accumulation of bacteria on the eyelids


What Does OptiLight Consist Of?


As part of this revolutionary system, ophthalmologists and optometrists can select different devices based on their needs.

Patented OPT Handpiece

Not two people have identical faces. Even among twins, facial contours differ, even if slightly. To ensure excellent results, this handpiece allows ophthalmologists and optometrists to customize treatments to cover every curve.

Ergonomic IPL Handpiece

To treat a broader area, Lumenis recommends this option. Patented with SapphireCool technology, it breaks the cycle of inflammation associated with dry eye disease caused by MGD.


For maximum energy control, the Opti-Tip focuses light energy on more delicate areas. As with the other Lumenis devices, it’s safe and effective. At the same time, the Opti-Tip is 100% hygienic.


Key Benefits of OptiLight


OptiLight utilizes embedded settings that adhere to strict protocols, making it safe and effective tool.

Additionally, they use Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT), which transforms light-based therapy. As a result, ophthalmologists and optometrists can treat the eyes with absolute precision and control. That’s because while this technology provides optimal energy, it never has spike inconsistencies.

Doctors can treat a patient in just 15 minutes. Specifically for dry eye disease with MGD, it provides an improvement in just four sessions.

The Bottom Line


Lumenis dedicated years to develop OptiLight. Now, eye doctors can incorporate a system into their practice to provide better patient care.

Ocular Aesthetics

Ocular aesthetics, which focuses on improving the appearance of the eyes and the surrounding area, has gained significant popularity in recent years. Ocular aesthetics aims to rejuvenate the eyes, making them appear more youthful, vibrant, and refreshed. This can be achieved through advanced technology treatments that are designed to address specific concerns and enhance the overall appearance of the eyes.

Common Concerns in Ocular Aesthetics


There are several common concerns that individuals seek to address through ocular aesthetics. These concerns may be a result of natural aging, genetics, or lifestyle factors. One of the most common concerns is the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, commonly known as crow's feet. These lines can make you look older and tired.

Another common concern is the presence of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. This can give the impression of fatigue and detract from the overall attractiveness of the eyes.

IPL and How it Works


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) has emerged as a popular and effective treatment option in ocular aesthetics. IPL works by emitting high-intensity light pulses that target specific chromophores in the skin, such as melanin and blood vessels. This targeted approach allows for precise treatment of various concerns around the eyes.

IPL treatments can effectively address pigmentation irregularities, such as age spots and sun damage, which often contribute to an aged appearance. By targeting these concerns, IPL can help restore a more even skin tone and improve the overall aesthetics of the eyes.

IPL treatments are non-invasive and typically require minimal downtime. The number of sessions needed may vary depending on the specific concerns being addressed. By consulting your optometrist, you can determine the best treatment plan to achieve your desired ocular aesthetics.

Radiofrequency (RF) for Ocular Aesthetics


Radiofrequency (RF) treatments have gained significant popularity in ocular aesthetics due to their effectiveness in addressing various concerns around the eyes. RF works by delivering controlled radiofrequency waves into the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening the tissues.

One of the primary concerns that RF treatments can address is drooping eyelids. As we age, the skin around the eyes can lose elasticity, causing the eyelids to sag. RF treatments can effectively tighten the skin, resulting in a more youthful and lifted appearance. This can help restore the natural contour and symmetry of the eyes, enhancing their overall aesthetics.

RF treatments can also target under-eye bags, which can make the eyes appear tired and aged. By stimulating collagen production, RF can improve the overall tone and texture of the skin, reducing the appearance of under-eye bags and giving the eyes a more refreshed and vibrant look.

Exploring Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT)


Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) has gained recognition in ocular aesthetics for its ability to promote cellular activity and stimulate collagen production. LLLT utilizes specific wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin, triggering a series of biological responses that can improve the health and appearance of the eyes.

LLLT treatments can effectively address concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles around the eyes. By stimulating collagen production, LLLT can help reduce the appearance of these concerns, resulting in a more youthful and vibrant look.

In addition to its anti-aging benefits, LLLT can also improve the overall health of the eyes. By promoting cellular activity, LLLT can enhance circulation, reduce inflammation, and support the natural healing process. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as dry eyes or eye fatigue.

Colored Contacts

Colored contacts have become increasingly popular over the years as a way to enhance your look and experiment with different eye colors. Whether you want to change your eye color for a special occasion or simply for everyday wear, colored contacts offer a fun and versatile option.

Different Types of Colored Contacts


When it comes to colored contacts, there are various types to choose from, depending on your preferences and needs. The three main categories are cosmetic, enhancement, and opaque lenses.

Cosmetic lenses are designed to completely change the color of your eyes. These lenses come in a wide range of shades, from natural hues such as blue, green, and brown, to more vibrant colors like purple, gray, and even red. Cosmetic lenses can create a dramatic transformation and give you the eye color you desire.

Enhancement lenses, on the other hand, are designed to enhance your natural eye color rather than change it completely. They add depth and intensity to your eyes, making them appear brighter and more vibrant. Enhancement lenses are ideal if you want a subtle change that enhances your natural beauty.

Opaque lenses are specifically designed to cover dark-colored eyes. They are ideal for individuals with naturally dark eyes who want to achieve a lighter or more vibrant eye color. Opaque lenses are often used in theatrical or costume applications as they can create a striking and captivating look.

Tyrvaya for Dry Eye Relief

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when your eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This can result in discomfort, irritation, and a gritty sensation in the eyes. Understanding the causes and symptoms of dry eye is crucial for finding effective treatment options. Tyrvaya offers a breakthrough solution for dry eye relief.

What Causes Dry Eye?


There are several factors that can contribute to the development of dry eye. The meibomian glands are responsible for producing the oily component of the tear film, which helps prevent evaporation of tears and maintains a smooth ocular surface. Meibomian gland dysfunction occurs when these glands become blocked, leading to a decrease in the quantity and quality of the meibum. This can result in evaporative dry eye, discomfort, and inflammation of the eyelid margins.

Another common causes is age. As we get older, our tear production tends to decrease, making us more prone to dryness. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during menopause, can also affect tear production and lead to dry eye.

Environmental factors can play a role as well. Dry or windy climates, air conditioning, and excessive screen time can all contribute to dry eye. Additionally, certain medications, such as antihistamines and antidepressants, can cause dryness as a side effect.

Other underlying health conditions, such as autoimmune diseases like Sjogren's syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis, can also contribute to dry eye. In these cases, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the tear glands, leading to reduced tear production.

Corneal Refractive Therapy

Corneal refractive therapy, also known as CRT, is a simple, painless treatment for refractive eye errors like myopia and has two core benefits. First, it can be used to help patients see clearly during the day without using glasses or contact lenses, giving them the freedom and flexibility that they need to live life to the fullest. Second, CRT has been shown to help slow the progression of myopia, keeping prescriptions under control and potentially reducing the likelihood of patients developing serious eye health problems associated with high myopia in the future. 

Here’s everything that you need to know about corneal refractive therapy and what it means for you. 

Understanding refractive eye problems

Refractive eye problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are extremely common, with nearsightedness – also known as myopia – being the most common of all. Patients with myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but those further away become progressively more blurred. Refractive eye errors occur when the shape of the clear dome covering the front part of the eye, called the cornea, impair the light-bending and focusing process in your eyes. This leads to the light ending up in the wrong place inside the eye, and the message that is sent to our brain from our eyes is muddled, causing blurred vision. 

What is corneal refractive therapy?

Corneal refractive therapy was initially developed as a treatment to correct and slow the progression of nearsightedness. However, it has also been found to be effective at controlling other refractive errors, including farsightedness, astigmatism and an age-related refractive condition called presbyopia.

CRT is a non-invasive, painless and straightforward method of correcting patient vision so that they don’t need to wear contacts or glasses, and they don’t need laser vision correction surgery to see clearly. CRT uses special contact lenses that are worn overnight and apply light pressure to the cornea in order to reshape it so that light is refracted correctly, and the image sent from the eyes to the brain is clear. The cornea is able to retain this new shape even after the contact lenses are removed the next morning, meaning that you can continue to see clearly for several hours. The more consistently you wear your CRT lenses overnight, the longer your eyes will learn to retain their new shape and eventually, patients can enjoy up to 48 hours of clear vision without using prescription lenses. However, the effects aren’t permanent so if you stop wearing the lenses, your vision will gradually return back to normal over the course of a few days. 

Slowing the progression of myopia with corneal refractive therapy

Another key benefit of CRT is that it can actually help to slow the progression of myopia. Most people who are nearsighted find that their eyesight gets progressively worse as they get older. This deterioration may not be rapid, but it can end in patients requiring high prescriptions. Studies have found that patients who have high myopia are more likely to develop serious eye problems in the future, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and a detached retina. Regular use of your corneal refractive therapy lenses could help keep your prescription stable and lower your risk of developing these problems. 

Am I a candidate for corneal refractive therapy?

You may be a candidate for corneal refractive therapy if you:

  • Have a myopia prescription within specific parameters

  • Have a prescription for hyperopia, presbyopia or astigmatism within specific parameters

  • Have stable vision, which means that your prescription hasn’t changed during the last two years

  • Are not a suitable candidate for laser vision correction

  • Have a job that makes it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Enjoy hobbies that make it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Have healthy eyes and are generally in good health

For more information, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today.  

Lens Technology

Thanks to the advancement of lens technology, glasses lenses are no longer a single, one size fits all solution. There are a variety of different lens types that can be used in glasses, giving patients greater flexibility and control over their vision than ever before.

Single Vision Lenses

Also known as monovision lenses, these lenses are designed to correct the wearer’s vision at just one distance, and have a single prescription covering the entire surface of the lens. They are most often recommended for people who are either nearsighted (myopia) or farsighted (hyperopia) and who need glasses for a specific activity, such as driving or reading.

Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses are multifocal lenses that can correct a patient’s vision at different working distances, ranging from far distance to reading distance. However, rather than designating different areas on the lenses for different distances with visible lines separating them, progressive lenses have a gradual change so that the wearer can smoothly transition from one lens power to another.

Bifocal and Trifocal Lenses

As you may have guessed from the name, bifocal and trifocal lenses have either two or three lens powers depending on which type you choose. Bifocal lenses support distance vision in the top half of the lens, and near vision in the lower half. Trifocal lenses support distance vision in the top third of the lens, intermediate vision in the middle segment and near vision in the bottom third. Whichever variety you choose, you will see visible lines separating each segment.

Bifocal and trifocal lenses are recommended for patients who are near or farsighted, and those who develop presbyopia, which is the natural hardening of the eye lens, that occurs as we get older. Presbyopia makes it harder for the lens of the eye to adapt to focus at different distances.

Multifocal Lenses

Multifocal lenses are the alternative name given to bifocal, trifocal and progressive lenses.

Computer Lenses

Computer lenses are prescription lenses that are specifically designed to be worn when doing computer work. This is because they place the optimum lens power for viewing your computer screen exactly where you need it – which is closer than intermediate vision, but further away than reading material is usually held. Wearing computer lenses can significantly reduce the negative effects caused by the high visual demands of computer work, including blurred vision, redness, dry eyes, double vision and dizziness.

Transition Lenses

Also known as photochromic lenses, transition lenses are a special type of lens that darken when in the sunlight and lighten when in softer light or the dark. This versatility gives the wearer the convenience of being able to move between different environments without needing to change their glasses. This makes them extremely cost effective and prevent the wearer from needing to take multiple pairs of glasses out with them. Transition lenses also filter out many of the harmful UV rays that are emitted from the sun, helping to keep eyes healthy too. They are ideal for people who spend a lot of time going between inside and outside, or who work outside in varying weather conditions.

Blue Light Lenses

Blue light lenses are specially crafted lenses that contain filters that block out much of the artificial blue light that is produced by digital devices like computers, smartphones and tablets. Natural blue light is actually good for balancing our sleep-wake cycle, boosting our mood and enhancing our cognitive abilities so that we can function better day to day. However, too much blue light, especially from artificial sources, can have the opposite effect. Many people who fail to use blue light lenses can go on to develop digital eye strain, which produces symptoms like eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches and more. Blue light lenses are recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time working on a digital device.

Polarized Lenses

Polarized lenses are used to reduce eyestrain and improve the quality of vision in patients on especially sunny days, making them ideal for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors. They can do this because they have a special filter that blocks some of the light from passing through the lens. Vertical light is allowed to pass through, while horizontal light, such as that which bounces off of water and can be blinding, is blocked. Polarized lenses are most often used in sunglasses since they are worn outdoors, and the wearer also needs to protect their eyes from UV damage.

Still have questions about which lens is right for you? Contact us to schedule an eye exam or an appointment to evaluate your individual needs.

Surgical Co-Management

In the realm of eye care, surgical co-management has emerged as a collaborative approach that aims to provide patients with comprehensive and seamless treatment. This concept involves the joint efforts of optometrists and ophthalmologists, each bringing their unique expertise to the table. By working together, these eye care professionals strive to enhance patient outcomes and deliver exceptional care.

The Role of Optometrist and Ophthalmologist in Surgical Co-Management


Surgical co-management is built upon the unique skill sets and areas of expertise of optometrists and ophthalmologists. By understanding their respective roles, you can appreciate the synergy that this collaborative approach fosters.

Optometrists are primary eye care professionals who specialize in the examination, diagnosis, and non-surgical treatment of vision disorders. Their responsibilities in surgical co-management include:

  • Performing comprehensive eye examinations and evaluations

  • Monitoring and managing pre-existing eye conditions

  • Providing pre-operative and post-operative care

  • Educating patients on surgical procedures and aftercare

  • Collaborating with ophthalmologists to ensure continuity of care

Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical management of eye diseases and disorders. Their role in surgical co-management encompasses:

  • Evaluating patients' candidacy for surgical interventions

  • Performing complex surgical procedures

  • Providing specialized medical and surgical care

  • Collaborating with optometrists to ensure seamless patient care

  • Monitoring and managing post-operative complications

  • By combining the expertise of optometrists and ophthalmologists, surgical co-management ensures that patients receive comprehensive and coordinated care throughout their treatment journey.

How Surgical Co-Management Works


Surgical co-management is a well-orchestrated process that involves several key steps. Understanding how it works can help you navigate this collaborative approach with confidence.

  • Initial Evaluation: The process typically begins with an optometrist conducting a comprehensive eye examination. During this evaluation, the optometrist assesses the patient's visual needs, identifies any potential issues, and determines if a surgical intervention is necessary.

  • Referral and Consultation: If surgery is recommended, the optometrist refers the patient to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation and consultation. This step ensures that the patient receives specialized medical advice and a thorough assessment of their suitability for the proposed surgical procedure.

  • Pre-operative Care: The optometrist plays a crucial role in providing pre-operative care, which may include managing any existing eye conditions, ensuring the patient understands the surgical process, and addressing any concerns or questions they may have.

  • Surgical Procedure: The ophthalmologist performs the necessary surgical intervention, leveraging their specialized training and expertise in surgical techniques.

  • Post-operative Care: After the surgery, the patient's care transitions back to the optometrist, who closely monitors the recovery process and provides post-operative care and management. This may involve follow-up appointments, monitoring for any complications, and ensuring the patient adheres to the prescribed treatment plan.

  • Ongoing Collaboration: Throughout the entire process, the optometrist and ophthalmologist maintain open communication and collaborate closely. This ensures that the patient's care is seamless, and any concerns or issues are promptly addressed by the appropriate healthcare professional.

Corneal Refractive Therapy

Corneal refractive therapy, also known as CRT, is a simple, painless treatment for refractive eye errors like myopia and has two core benefits. First, it can be used to help patients see clearly during the day without using glasses or contact lenses, giving them the freedom and flexibility that they need to live life to the fullest. Second, CRT has been shown to help slow the progression of myopia, keeping prescriptions under control and potentially reducing the likelihood of patients developing serious eye health problems associated with high myopia in the future. 

Here’s everything that you need to know about corneal refractive therapy and what it means for you. 

Understanding refractive eye problems

Refractive eye problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are extremely common, with nearsightedness – also known as myopia – being the most common of all. Patients with myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but those further away become progressively more blurred. Refractive eye errors occur when the shape of the clear dome covering the front part of the eye, called the cornea, impair the light-bending and focusing process in your eyes. This leads to the light ending up in the wrong place inside the eye, and the message that is sent to our brain from our eyes is muddled, causing blurred vision. 

What is corneal refractive therapy?

Corneal refractive therapy was initially developed as a treatment to correct and slow the progression of nearsightedness. However, it has also been found to be effective at controlling other refractive errors, including farsightedness, astigmatism and an age-related refractive condition called presbyopia.

CRT is a non-invasive, painless and straightforward method of correcting patient vision so that they don’t need to wear contacts or glasses, and they don’t need laser vision correction surgery to see clearly. CRT uses special contact lenses that are worn overnight and apply light pressure to the cornea in order to reshape it so that light is refracted correctly, and the image sent from the eyes to the brain is clear. The cornea is able to retain this new shape even after the contact lenses are removed the next morning, meaning that you can continue to see clearly for several hours. The more consistently you wear your CRT lenses overnight, the longer your eyes will learn to retain their new shape and eventually, patients can enjoy up to 48 hours of clear vision without using prescription lenses. However, the effects aren’t permanent so if you stop wearing the lenses, your vision will gradually return back to normal over the course of a few days. 

Slowing the progression of myopia with corneal refractive therapy

Another key benefit of CRT is that it can actually help to slow the progression of myopia. Most people who are nearsighted find that their eyesight gets progressively worse as they get older. This deterioration may not be rapid, but it can end in patients requiring high prescriptions. Studies have found that patients who have high myopia are more likely to develop serious eye problems in the future, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and a detached retina. Regular use of your corneal refractive therapy lenses could help keep your prescription stable and lower your risk of developing these problems. 

Am I a candidate for corneal refractive therapy?

You may be a candidate for corneal refractive therapy if you:

  • Have a myopia prescription within specific parameters

  • Have a prescription for hyperopia, presbyopia or astigmatism within specific parameters

  • Have stable vision, which means that your prescription hasn’t changed during the last two years

  • Are not a suitable candidate for laser vision correction

  • Have a job that makes it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Enjoy hobbies that make it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Have healthy eyes and are generally in good health

For more information, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today.  

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